Past Criminal Charges


How does a special court martial charge of Article 112a convert to civil world?  I was only given reduction in rank, 60 days confinement, and 90 days hard labor.  No punitive discharge, but received a administrative discharge, general under honorable conditions. I'm applying for a TSA card and they say I'm ineligible, due to the charge

Jim's Reply:

First up...when you're applying for a TSA card, you aren't really in the "civil world". This isn't a store credit card you're applying for, it's an administrative approval of your potential security risk by a federal government agency that is highly sensitive to any potential security problems. They may assess what they feel are potential security problems when they look at the individual background and learn of periods of incarceration, whether in the military or as a civilian. The charges of some form of narcotics abuse on active duty under UCMJ 10 U.S. Code § 912a.Art. 112a is a serious one and TSA will see that as a big problem. 

You'll face similar problems with other government agencies as well as civilian employers in the future. If you feel that you were wrongly prosecuted or otherwise would like help upgrading your discharge, make contact with the National Veterans Legal Services Program.