Not sure what is happening with my claim


I was diagnosed of neck, lower back, right shoulder, hips pain. Yesterday  I was interviewed by judge to al of my notice of disagreement. The judge instructed me to have a medical opinion to any doctors treating me to all of my diseases diagnosis..I was thinking that I will get my rating that day, but it was wrong my expectations because I waited for more than 5 years to talk to the judge from Washington, D.C. It was on via satellite conversations. Today I have had an appointment at the VA . My own primary doctor when asked my primary doctor to make or evaluate all my diagnosis diseases, he asked what the  purpose of the nexus opinion letter?  I told him for service connected disability, doctor answered right away that he already gave all d info at VSO and stated he cannot participate any veterans disability and he instructed me to go upstairs asked questions to DVA. Hopefully, kindly advice me.

Jim's Reply:

The pains you describe aren't diagnoses of a disease or condition...the descriptions you offer are vague and VA requires more specific names of the conditions you claim. For example,  if you have knee pain, VA must know if that pain is caused by arthritis or an ACL tear...there's a difference. It's a shame you spent all that time and now have to start over again but the DAV rep should be able to point you in the right direction.