VA Pension not taxable income

Recent comment by a poster on VA Watch Dog Today: Sun, 2010-12-12, 'I’m a Veterans Service Officer and have a question for you. Is V.A. Disability Compensation for a service connected injury countable as unearned income? This money is usually uncountable because it is un-taxable. Now V.A. Pension is a taxable income and is normally countable, but that is a welfare pension for Military service members"

This is a misleading statement. According to IRS pub 525 page 15 - Do not include in your income ANY veterans benefit paid under any law, regulations or administrative practice by the VA.
Thanks for letting me know. You are correct. I've taken that down and I've emailed that reader to let him know of his error. The IRS rule is here
I appreciate your eagle-eye and that you would take the time to point that out to me.