I need help! I am a Veterans Advocate for the Dept. of Veterans Affairs VISN XYZ. I am outbased at the VA Medical Center in XYZ.
I believe VISN-XYZ is black listing me from promotional and career opportunities for advocating for my son who is a veteran. We believe that he was discriminated against by the XYZ VAMC by not hiring him under the SCEP program as a Student Civil Engineer. My Supervisor was warned of the VAMC hiring practices but did not take any action nor did they care to discuss the issue with me. Now my supervisor and Human Resources Chief does not respond to my letters or e-mails.
The attached letters will clarify the circumstances as I helped him compose a letter to Secretary Shinseki and other Political Leaders. The Office of Resolution Management is now investigating Human Resources at the XYZ VAMC.
I am asking for "Whistle Blower" from my Congressman.
I don't get involved in employee/employer disputes. I have no expertise in those conflicts and I don't like to shoot from the hip. My focus is strictly on VA benefits and those vets who have trouble receiving their earned compensation.