Mobility Devices


Rated at 100% with SMC.  Can one qualify for mobility scooter and will this open up the opportunity for the VA to reevaluate you?


Jim's Reply:

SMC rules and regs seem to be applied differently depending on where you are. I've heard stories of instant approval or denials for pretty much the same ratings. In any case, SMC is one of the more challenging benefits to understand and I use this site as my go to reference

To be eligible for mobility devices in general you need service connected loss, or permanent loss of use, of at least one foot or loss, or permanent loss of use of at least one hand or permanent impairment of vision of both eyes to a certain degree. There are other less common qualifying conditions as well.

The simplest way to determine whether you're eligible or not is to go ahead and apply for the devices or services you believe you need and that you're likely eligible for. To have VA proceed with your application will get you started and if you should be denied, you'll know what's up and you can begin the appeal process.

Does this open up the opportunity for a reevaluation? Of course it does. VA will review all the data they need to so as to make a reasonable and fair adjudication of your claim. If you're worried that you may lose some benefits, that's possible but a fairly rare occurrence in this setting.

Good luck sir.