
I’m a former active duty reservist. I currently have VA ratings but had a bad examiner during my MEB C&P exam and now my rating will go way down based on the exam. I also will not be eligible for medical retirement just a separation. Should I file for a new C&P exam either through an increase or appeal prior to the PEB’s review?


Jim's Reply:

The MEB process is incredibly complex and full of ambiguous processes, so much so that it's impossible to predict an outcome in almost any given yours.

In very broad terms I usually offer that you should just get out as quickly as you can and then deal with the final ratings that VA awards you if you believe an increase is appropriate. This is the only time I'll find that VA is easier to deal with since you're dealing with DoD policy. That you may or may not be eligible for retirement adds to the complexity of your ordeal.

My expertise lies in working with the VA to ensure that you have the correct VA ratings and I have very limited PEB/MEB experience to offer you. I'll direct you to a site that I like and I think you'll find your answers there.

Good luck!