CHAMPVA & Foreign Travel


Does ChampVA provide the same coverage if I'm traveling to Nigeria?  If I fall sick while visiting there, will ChampVA pay my claims?


Jim's Reply:

Foreign travel and any health insurance can get overwhelmingly complex in a heartbeat even if you're insured with an insurance company you're paying high premiums to. CHAMPVA is great health insurance but obtaining it can be sketchy and a cumbersome burden to deal with even when you're in a state next door to a VA facility. If you're sick in Nigeria and you need the support of the folks at CHAMPVA all I can see are problems and then more problems.

Were I stepping anywhere outside our borders today I'd want to double-check that I have robust health insurance. The VA has a Foreign Medical Program that provides a lot of help for eligible veterans. This seems a good place for you to start and learn how CHAMPVA may help. Good luck.