P & T


I’ve looked on this thread and on Google for a while but I still remain confused on my award letter. During my research and from other users, a permanent rating is P&T which stands for "permanent and total." However the wording on my benefits letter is different and I want to know if it means the same thing. My letter states, “You are considered to be totally and permanently disabled due solely to your service- connected disabilities: The effective date of when you became totally and permanently disabled due to your service-connected disabilities...” Unlike all my research which is P&T, mine letter is worded T&P. Also, if they are the same thing am I allowed to get a job? I’m having a hard time on google figuring out if getting a job would take away my benefits.


Jim's Reply:

VA could possibly make the language in an award letter more obtuse and difficult to grasp but I'm not sure how.

P & T is Permanent & Total. T & P is Total & Permanent. Each refer to the same concept that a veteran is totally disabled and that he disabling condition(s) are static and won't show any measurable improvement in the future. The phrases are used interchangeably.

Your Department of Veterans Affairs and its employees and every veteran I've ever met are all guilty of abusing language that's already confused. The TDIU benefit is Total Disability Individual Unemployability. Vets and VA staff alike will call that IU, Unemployability, and any number of other acronyms I've heard over time.

These terms P & T - T & P mean the same thing. I salute you for being aware and concerned enough to question that...when dealing with your VA, question everything.

That isn't paranoia, that's common sense.