My husband recently passed away from myocardial infarction, coronary artery disease and hypertension. He served in an artillery unit near the Korean DMZ in 1967-68 . He had his 1st hart attack in 1996. In 2005, we asked about Agent Orange exposure but at that time he wasn't eligible. He did receive a 30% VA rating for his hearing. He was unable to work after he had multiple bypass surgeries and stints in 1999. In 2014, VA doctors said that they couldn't do anything for him other than give him medication. He spent 4 years under hospice care and 24/7 family care. The VA regulations regarding Korean Agent Orange exposure have changed & includes his time in country and his medical condition that resulted in his death. I am seeking DIC benefits but can anything else be done?
Jim's Reply:
Veterans who served in Korea who are eligible for agent orange benefits fit into a fairly small segment of all those who served there. There is a distinct time frame and geographic region that must be verified for the veteran to be eligible for agent orange benefits.
If your veteran's record shows that he was eligible for agent orange presumption and if his death certificate shows that he died of heart disease, it's likely that you're eligible for DIC.
If you've properly filed for DIC benefits there isn't anything more to be done than I can think of. Once you filed VA generally processes DIC claims within weeks so you shouldn't encounter big delays. Good luck.