Hypothyroidism & Agent Orange


I am a Vietnam vet. Service connected due to conditions related to agent orange. In 2019, I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism, which I take meds to control. If I file a claim, is this treated same as the 14 presumptive condition? If so how do I get started?


Jim's Reply:

Hypothyroidism is not an agent orange presumptive condition. However, it's my experience that many Vietnam veterans who have a service connected diabetes rating also have hypothyroidism. I've known veterans who claimed hypothyroidism as a secondary condition to their service connected diabetes and prevailed.

I'll also take a moment to comment that it's my experience that there is a sort of interaction between hypothyroidism and diabetes that can make each disease worse over time. Please be sure to recognize the connection and take care of yourself.

You can learn more about how VA views these diseases by going to the BVA search engine here.   Use key words like <hypothyroidism diabetes> and you'll have dozens of appeals to review. Appeals do not establish precedence in the VA system so when you find a favorable outcome, you should plan to repeat the successful processes you see there.

Since hypothyroidism isn't a presumptive condition there isn't a sure-fire way to file for it. It's been my habit to suggest filing for the condition as secondary to service connected DMII and waiting for a denial and then seeking an IMO for an appeal.

An IMO is the surest way to prevail. If you obtain a favorable, professional IMO as you file the claim, it's likely that you can avoid the lengthy appeals process.

The IMO is explained here.   Any of the doctors you'll meet there will be happy to speak with you about your claim.

To get started I'd recommend that you file an 'Intent To File' here so that the effective date of your claim is set. Then proceed to file the claim as usual, see how here.

Good luck.