Retro Pay


I had Prostate Cancer in 2019. Had surgery in Sept 2019 approximately 2 months after being diagnosed. I was stationed in Thailand and didn’t know about Prostate Cancer being related to Agent Orange. PSA is down now after my surgery. Am I eligible for any back pay during the time the cancer was active?


Jim's Reply:

Retroactive payments are authorized only to the date that you file the claim except in a few very unusual cases. Prostate cancer that is associated with agent orange is a disease that a lot of vets aren't aware of and many vets miss benefits. Had you filed a claim at diagnosis and you were eligible for benefits, you'd have been compensated at the 100% rate for a few months and then rated on the residual effects of the treatment you had.

You should still file a claim for the residuals of treatment. Those disabling conditions are usually ED and a lack of control of urine leading to leakage and the wearing of absorbent pads. The post-treatment rating is usually 20%, 40% or 60% disabled, depending mostly on how many pads you use each day. If your PSA should begin to rise, file a new claim immediately. Good luck.