Student Loan Forgiveness via TPD for future loans


Greetings: Total and Permanent Discharge program (TPD). I'm 100% P/T. I would like to return to school and complete a graduate program. After reading several websites about the TPD program, I'm confuse with the requirements of the timeline. I have yet to find clear guidance. Therefore, my question is if I can apply future loan (graduate degree) towards this program. Or if the program is only for existing loans which I have none (used GI Bill). Would you have any further information to clarify this confusion? Thank you.


Jim's Reply:

Hmm, that sounds almost too good to be true. You'd think that they would have thought of a way to prevent that from happening.

Oh wait...they did,

If and when you apply for another loan...Direct Loan, Perkins Loan, TEACH Grant or whatever the flavor of the day will'll be required to sign off that you won't seek a TPD based on your 100% rated current condition which you'll be required to acknowledge.

To get another TPD you'll have to come up with another 100% disability rating that is subsequent to that first rating and diagnosed after the date of the loan.

Yeah, so...back to the drawing board! Good luck.