Is there any scientific data to support linking Central Sleep Apnea to DM 2 and or PTSD. Key is central not obstructive.
Jim's Reply:
I'm aware of some data that suggests that CSA may be associated with DM2 and Metabolic Syndrome. However, I don't believe a cause and effect is as clear as it might be in other cases. I'm not aware of any connection to PTSD without associated TBI.
I've discovered BVA appeals that give some insight as to claims and decisions by BVA regarding CSA. If you'll click here and then type in <central sleep apnea> in the search field and then select a year or two to search you'll discover plenty of reading on the topic.
If you are trying to make a connection or nexus for the purpose of claiming a secondary condition, you're likely going to need an expert IMO for your claim or appeal. An IMO is the very best way to win a claim or appeal as VA gives these opinions a lot of weight in their decision.
Good luck!