I recently received my TDIU and they gave me back pay to January. Two part question. I received unemployment during this period but did not work. Any concerns there? Also if I do decide that $3,500 a month will not sustain my family two months into my TDIU rating, will they attempt to ask for back pay back? If I notify the VA that I did go back to work then will I continue to get TDIU? If I decide that I can’t work but my income when I did work exceeds the poverty limit, what will they do at the end of the year when they verify my income?
Jim's Reply:
Unemployment insurance isn't gainful worries.
You do not need to notify VA should you decide to return to gainful employment. VA will be cross referencing your IRS and SSA records and if you should earn an income greater than allowed, VA will notify you and eventually there may be a proposal to reduce the TDIU rating to your underlying rating percentage.
If at all possible a return to full time civilian 'mainstream' employment is the best thing you can do for yourself. If you're able, go for it.