Prostate Cancer


I have biochemical recurrence of prostate cancer and get 100% disability as a temporary condition. The prostate cancer has spread to my right hip and left shoulder, the VA doctor said I have metastatic bone cancer that can be treated but there is no cure. Can't I get my disability rating changed to permanent, I'm not looking for any more money?

Jim's Reply:

Prostate cancer as well as any other service connected cancer is a temporary rating as VA seems to think all cancers will be treated and cured. Unfortunately this deprives many veterans of additional benefits that are available with a permanent 100% rating.

To perfect your rating you should simply file a new claim and tell VA you want the metastatic cancer rated as secondary to the prostate cancer. Be sure to ask your doctor to include a statement in your record to that effect.

When you arrive at the C & P exam (and yes, there will be a C & P exam) be sure to tell the examiner that you would like that person to make a note that your condition is permanent.

That should accomplish 2 things for you. The examiner is likely to recommend that your condition is rated as permanent. The rater is very likely to pay attention to that. Then, if you have 2 cancers rated as 100% you're eligible for the SMC benefit of Housebound.

You must file the claim...if you don't file, nothing happens. Good luck.