C & P Exam results are not accurate


I had a C & P exam on the fifth of April.  I got back my results and the examiner lied.  She said that my Forward Felxion was 0-55 Extension 0-25 Right Lateral Flexion 0-25 Left Lateral Flexion 0-20 Right Lateral Rotation 0-20 Left Lateral Rotation 0-20.  She never used the instrument to measure my ROM.  What would be my total Rom with these figures?

Jim's Reply:

Veterans often disagree with the findings of the C & P examination. If, when you receive your decision, you believe the exam has negatively affected the outcome, you should appeal using the points you stressed to me. Wait for the decision...don't get ahead of yourself because you never know, the claim may be decided in your favor and you'll be done.