SSI Overpayment Clawback


I received SSI benefits for about 2 years (10 years ago). In 2012, my veterans disability benefit was increased, so I notified the Social Security Administration, and requested they stop sending payments. They continued for about 3 or 4 months, and I ultimately paid them back every dime of the over-payment (nearly $2,400). Now (about 9 years later) they're saying they over-payed me some additional money in 2010, and that I owe them an additional amount of approximately $2,400. Is there something like a "statute of limitations" for such situations? If they made some accounting error 9 years ago, is it legal for them to attempt to force me to pay them more money, today?

Jim's Reply:

The federal government has no such timeliness restrictions for debts you are determined to owe. If you read your notices carefully you'll find processes that will help you appeal the amount but the debt won't be automatically dismissed.