Divorce Notification


I am currently stationed in the state of California (no fault state). If my husband has filed for divorce, but I have not been properly served the papers (ex. I’ve seen them briefly, but he has them in his possession) no 3rd party has delivered me a copy. What if anything should I, or do I need to do? (He filed almost 30 days ago) If I am never served what could possibly happen?

Jim's Reply:

If your husband is filing the paperwork for divorce, until you're properly notified you don't do anything. Don't try to get ahead of whatever needs to happen and don't take any actions until you're required to. If he properly filed the paperwork, you'll eventually be notified.

  • PS from StatesideLegal:  You can also request a low-cost consultation from a private lawyer experienced with military divorce from an LRS provider near you in California --use our "Find Legal Help" directory to locate the nearest legal referral and information service to do this.