Hello Jim, Great column! I finally won my claim for TDIU retroactive to 2011 (Back & leg injury 1976). My TBI claim (from 1972) is still pending at the BVA level. I sent in all my info and proof of taking Dilation for my seizures, but it was remanded to the rating officers. They are trying to say that when I was a kid I had migraines In my sign-up history and that May I had an abnormal EEG from that. I not only have the original Pill bottle from the hospital at Fort Dix but I have a copy of my EEG readout. They say they can't even find any records of my head injury while in training! I had no proof until my mother recently died and when we cleaned out her house, that's where I found the abnormal EEG paperwork and prescription bottle, that my mother tucked away and forgot about. The VA wants me to find "Buddies" that witnessed my injury, which to me is impossible! I already used CFR Reasonable Doubt and CFR Presumption of soundness codes but they don't seem to care about that! It's not about the money, I'm getting more forgetful and my Doctor said I am showing early signs of dementia (I am 69 next month) Is there a reliable lawyer I could use in Florida (32174 area), my VSO (VFW) said I should find one. Thank you so much.
Jim's Reply:
Click here to look for an accredited veterans law attorney