I am a Vietnam veteran and have been diagnosed with prostate cancer. I am currently working with the Alabama VSO to file a claim. On the CDB questionnaire, my doctor stated that my cancer is active. The doctor noted that we are currently in the "watchful waiting" mode as far as treatment. Actually I am waiting for a consultation and probably surgery to have the prostate removed but no treatment as of this moment. When I returned the paperwork from my doctor, the VSO said my claim would be denied because I don't have any of the other symptoms such as ED, incontinence, etc. I think these are called residual effects. I am under the impression that the fact that I have been diagnosed and that the cancer is active would be enough for a 100% rating. I don't understand what this other symptoms or lack of symptoms would have to do with anything.
Jim's Reply:
I don't understand why veterans feel it necessary to seek help filing a claim? You're getting incorrect information from a person who apparently has little knowledge and you had to sign away a Power of Attorney to have this 'help' given to you. When a Vietnam veteran is diagnosed with prostate cancer and files a claim, the process is as simple as can be. The VA will review the claim, schedule a C & P exam and if there is no other issue, the veteran will receive a 100% temporary disability rating. The temporary 100% rating will be in effect until the veteran has treatment and the cancer can no longer be detected. Once the cancer is gone, the 100% rating will fall to a level that represents the disabling effects of treatment...residual disabling conditions like ED and urinary leakage usually result in permanent ratings of 20% or 40%. If you elect to not have treatment and continue watchful waiting, the 100% rating stays in effect.