My wife's ex-husband has not given the allotment of benefits to their children. He is now over $30K in arrears in court ordered child support. But none of the benefits due the girls have been given. She also has reason to believe that he received benefits due to her son, even after the divorce, but the son is not his. So he could have defrauded the agency. She has filed a notice of disagreement, but she was denied. She (along with myself) have been left for years bear the financial responsibility of the girls and we are at a loss. What can be done in this situation where he is taking advantage of this, and the welfare system, (while working under the table cutting hair) so that he doesn't have to pay anything?
Jim's Reply:
The system that provides child support and alimony enforcement is woefully lacking in most states. I often suggest that the parent make a trip to visit with the local district attorneys office to learn what sort of enforcement measures may be available. If the parent who is owed money shows a personal interest the system is more likely to respond for you.