VA Podiatry is not responsive


Hello Jim,  I am currently going to Podiatry at the VA and at the moment it's been basically hell.  I get told one thing and have to jump through hoops in order to get that one thing done such as, schedule a bone scan.  Podiatry mistakenly puts in for a MRI again, and I have to contact every single person between Xray, Mri to get put in touch with Nuclear Medicine, just to have them send a request back to Podiatry so I can get a bone scan done. I was told a week later I'd find my results, but my doctor is on vacations that I don't know when it will end, and calling every day for someone to look over the findings since there is multiple doctors, no one is doing anything.  I call the nurses to relay messages of how I wish to use the Mission Act since I feel my medical needs aren't being met, and I am losing faith in Podiatry. I am met with "we will contact Podiatry for you." I am in the same boat as I am in if I called them, waiting constantly for nothing. This situation has had me seriously considering bodily harm to myself because I feel its the only way I can get fixed. I am sorry for the long explanation to set up the question. I am curious:  is there anything here for me to do that could help me get the help I need? I am to the point of even informing them I am seeking legal advice makes them do their job I will do that. 14 years I have been dealing with this pain and I hate being mistreated by them. Thank you for your time.

Jim's Reply:

There isn't anything at all I could do that would influence your care.  You have to do that yourself. Calling and leaving messages isn't working for you so you'll have to make and keep appointments. There is nobody who can or will offer you "legal advice" to get your health care on track. If you're willing and able to pay for legal advice, you'd be better off paying a podiatrist out of pocket. Threats to the VA always backfire, don't go there. If you must use the VA system you have to be patient and learn to do most transactions face to face. Good luck.