I was raped by a senior officer in my command in 1979. I recieved no help from anyone when I tried to report this at the time. I got out in 1980 and have hidden this event until a year and a half ago. My wife talked me into filing a PTSD claim which was initially denied. I appealed the claim. I found your website and am finding things I knew nothing about like the GAF score and Nexus letter from my doctor. The MST coordinator here in Grand Junction has been very helpful and encouraging but I feel like the interview I went through was like a police interrogation (the interviewer was a ex-cop contract employee). It lasted all of half an hour and my claim was rejected. I didn't see how this person could determine my issues in half and hour. I felt like I was convicted form the start of the interview. I'm feeling pretty distraught about the entire thing Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Jim's Reply:
If you have had a claim denied, you have the right to appeal with the help of an attorney who is accredited by the VA at no out of pocket cost to you. You may talk with any or all of these lawyers here for free. You aren't alone. What happened to you isn't all that unusual and VA has plenty of cases similar to yours where no records exist. Your credibility will be tested but many veterans stick to it and win the benefits they deserved. Good luck