I’m supposed to have a PTSD 5 year re-evaluation review in February of 2020. When will I get notification of that review?
Also, I was originally awarded 30% for PTSD in 2011, but was increased to 100% in February of 2015. When I got my rating increase in 2015, the letter said I would have a possible reduction and/or re-evaluation in February 2020. So how long has my disability been in affect? Meaning, do I meet the 5 year rule? Do they use the February 2015 change in rating as the start clock, or do they use the 2011 date? Basically, my question is, has my disability been in effect for 5 years or 8 years by the time February 2020 comes around? I would think my disability started in 2011 and now have 8 years under my belt, but what does the VA say?
Jim's Reply:
You should get notified of a future exam a few weeks ahead of time but that rarely happens. You may get timely notice, you may get a day of notice...there's no way to predict. The timing rules you're speaking of apply to permanent ratings. Ratings that are scheduled for future exams are temporary ratings and don't count towards any particular rules that would benefit us. The 5 year window that is often used as a reference to establish a permanent rating doesn't strictly apply if there is evidence of improvement. Don't rely too much on the things you may hear about 5 year, 10 year and 20 year regulations...they're more guidelines than hard and fast regs.