bad customer service at VA


Thank you for all your good work. It is my rule to never complain to a Manager about the Server until I have my food. I assume the same rule applies about complaining to the VA about a Customer Service Rep while my Disability Request is still pending. My issue is that the young woman I talked to at VA yesterday insisted that I would have to prove specific exposure to Agent Orange due to my job in Vietnam. I am sure she is wrong but insisted I did not know what I was talking about. She was also disdainful that I did not understand the VA jargon concerning my not understanding her reference to my Unit when it turned out she really meant Branch Of Service. I do not expect to ever talk to her again and do not expect her to have any decision making power on my claim. Should I just let her stay ignorant and move on or try to keep her from passing on bad info to future callers?

Jim's Reply:

If you try to educate everyone you meet who believes they are an authority on VA processes, you're going to be at it forever. Just go on line to the plethora of veterans chat rooms and read the nonsensical things the "experts" are saying to others. For what it's worth, I don't pay any attention to the people who prove themselves wrong so soon. In your case any Vietnam veteran who has had boots on the ground in the Republic of Vietnam is entitled to agent orange presumptive benefits. Veterans who served outside the RVN must prove exposure to agent orange.  If I were you, I'd forget it happened and move on.