Need help with IME and DBQ form


Thank you always for your work and help. I was a paratrooper in Army. I had total bilateral knee replacements in 1998. I had a total right knee revision in 2013 and total left knee revision in November,2018. One of the doctors wrote a good letter. I need the name of an Orthopedic surgeon that will do IME and can and will fill out a DBQ form. Also I got ratings of 30% on each shoulder, and V.A. states it was service connected and the ankles at 10% each but denied my knees. I have been diagnosed with O.A. and R.A.. Thank You again for your help.

Jim's Reply:

On my website, the VAWatchdog Dot Org, you'll find two expert disability physicians who I refer to for DBQ's, IMOs and record reviews. I'd suggest you speak with both and decide who best fits your needs.