Veteran faces nonstop litigation from ex regarding custody


I am a veteran. I retired in 2009 from the AF, with a 100% rating disability rating from the VA with several ailments to include PTSD.
In which it states is in part due to my ex-husband's domestic abuse. We divorced in 2005 after a hospital stay from his abuse. We both live in Washington state. I was enlisted AF, he was an Army officer. They waived the Laughtenburg amendment to keep him in. He is now retired as well.  We have a daughter now 15, quite damaged by our lack of coparenting.  His abuse by litigation is overwhelming. I have been taken to court 27 times in 5 years for the record I have spent over two hundred thousand dollars in attorney and court fees to protect my family. I am now facing loosing my daughter as he is threatening court once more if I do not let his current wife adopt my 15 yr old. They filed child abuse case with CPS which came back untrue which has always been the case in every motion he files. Every case he has motioned he has lost aside from minor modifications that are unnecessary but added because he can. Although financially this has destroyed me and I have little to no money for an attorney. I don’t know where to turn. I am sincerely feeling my world slip out of my hands. Is there any resource in Clark county, WA willing to help?

Jim's Reply:

Start here and ask them for further guidance.