Can hospitals refuse CHAMPVA?


My wife has ChampVA, she needs a back operation. We have a Dr. but the hospital he works out ( Metaodist hospital) The Woodlands, Tx. Say they don’t take the insurance. ( Champva ). On several of Champva websites that ALL hospital take the insurance. Can you help...find a answer?

Jim's Reply:

I've explored the Houston Methodist Hospital network web site and it's confusing at best. As a rule any hospital that accepts medicare will accept CHAMPVA and all hospitals accept Medicare...(other than a very few specialty centers). But this web site doesn't address Medicare at all that I can find. The site does point out that each of their network hospitals makes their own determination of what insurance they accept and I see some of the hospitals will accept TRICARE where others don't. The flagship hospital in the medical center accepts TRICARE and I'd offer that you should start calling them to find out what you need to do next. It also appears that the location you're choosing is very new and they may have no experience with CHAMPVA procedures. It may be worth your time to visit their insurance and billing folks and educate them on how they can help support America's veterans and get paid while they do it.