I have 3 Plus Loans for parents which total $53,000. I am a veteran who got my 60% disability back to 2013 and then a 100% disability granted in February of 2019 going back to 2016. I paid $15,000 to pay off one loan out of my back pay before I found out about the discharge process in March of 2019. Will I get that payment back as well as all my other payments I have made since 2016 if I am granted a discharge? Thank you for your help.
Jim's Reply:
I don't understand your question? In general terms though, any loans that anyone has outstanding are obligations made and must be paid regardless of disability ratings and such. To provide more of an answer will require that you give me much more detailed data.
- PS from Stateside Legal: The National Consumer Law Center has a Student Loan Borrower Assistance Program which includes information about how to discharge student loans through bankruptcy here. You can use the Find Legal Help directory to look for an LRS provider in your state and request a low-cost consultation with an attorney who specializes in bankruptcy.