Jim, I just found your web site and thank you for all you are doing! To me all this VA requirements and how the do things is total confusion. So finding this site hopefully will make it not so confusing. Any way here is my question, I am currently rated 80% (84) but rounded down. 70% PTSD 40% Fibromyalgia and 10% tentinitos (ringing in my ears) I have retained a law firm since is too confusing for me to look into TDUI. I am currently employed but off work with other health issues. I have a college education and since my return from combat my ability to keep and work has steadily gone down to lower jobs, frequent changes and huge loss of income. In your honest opinion so you believe a have a chance at TDUI? If so what advice could you give me to make sure I present the best case possible. Thank you.
Jim's Reply:
Yes, I believe you have a chance at the TDIU benefit. I can't predict how much of a chance but you're certainly eligible to apply. The best advice I could offer is to talk with a lawyer and you seem to have already done that. good luck sir.