Divorce help


Where can I find assistance with divorce in Az?  I am a veteran.

Jim's Reply:

Divorce and all the problems associated with the breakup of a marriage is a civilian problem and our status as veterans carries no weight. Most divorce courts are a no-fault setting these days so unless you have a lot of money or property to be divided. the court will follow a straightforward formula that will divide your assets and assign responsibility for alimony and child support. Your state does a pretty good job of telling you what you need to know here.When veterans face civilian legal problems we have to deal with those problems just as any civilian would and that usually means we pay the exact same rates as anyone else would.

  • PS from StatesideLegal:  Using our "Find Legal Help" directory, you may want to check with LRS providers in Arizona to ask for a lawyer who specializes in divorce and has experience with military/veteran benefits. They provide low-cost referrals to attorneys for an initial consultation.  You will need to figure out cost if you want that attorney to represent you throughout the process.