Ex-husband and disabled vet owes child support


My ex husband is behind on child support in the sum of $16,326.00. We got divorced in Louisiana, however I moved to be closer to my parents in 2013 shortly after the divorce was final. He was 60% disabled and somehow says now he is 100%. He has a photography business and when I asked him about it he said it’s just a FB page. He doesn’t make any money with it. Right. The state of Florida has alerted the IRS to intercept his taxes. He doesn’t pay taxes. They contacted the department of State as to not issue him a passport. He could care less about that. Lastly and most importantly, they contacted his employer which I assume is the US Army or V.A. now that he is 100% disabled can they garnish his wages? He said he doesn’t have to and won’t pay since he hasn’t seen our son since 2013. My son wants nothing to do with him. His psychiatrist and other therapists have said just leave him alone about calling or texting him. When he wants to and is ready he will. He just turned 14 last week. My ex is ordered to pay $478 per Louisiana when we got divorced. He paid a little here and there but stopped Altogether in 2015 hence the huge arears amount. Please help. Have a fabulous day!!!

Jim's Reply:

Veterans disability benefits can't be garnished in the traditional sense. However, you are allowed to apply for an apportionment of the benefits to satisfy child support and alimony arrearages. You'll want to accurately complete this form.

Then,  using certified mail,  deliver the form to:
VA Claims Intake Center
PO BOX 4444
JANESVILLE, WI 53547- 4444

More about apportionment is here