Vietnam Vet with HOA dispute


Dear Jim, I am also a Vietnam vet and need some assistance with an HOA in Oregon. I have been trying to get my account settled with them since October of 2017. Every time I try to pay my account balance, they add another charge. I have asked the HOA to send any statements to my email address, which they are not doing. ETC, Etc...I am just trying to get my account paid in full and have them send future statements to me in a timely manor so they quit adding late charges, finance fees and legal fees.

Jim's Reply:

That you're a veteran doesn't seem to be relevant in your dispute with your HOA. We always have to remember that our status as veterans doesn't give us any rights or access to resources other than what any citizen has access to when we're dealing with life problems. You have a dispute with an HOA so we can presume you're a homeowner and you'll need to speak to a local attorney who is well versed in real estate law.

  • PS from StatesideLegal:  Use the Find Legal Help map to look for a LRS provider in your community. They can provide you with contact information to a local lawyer with real estate expertise for a low-cost consultation about your situation.