Women Vets USA

Woman in line

Women Vets USA

Dedicated to connecting women with active duty, Reserves, and/or Guard military service and their families, caregivers, advocates, and communities to local, state, and federal online resources 24/7 you can find WomenVetsUSA here. Involved with grassroots, community-based vet-to-vet outreach providing printed resources and assisting with connections to close-to-home services.
A screenshot of the homepage of the WomenVetsUSA website homepage, featuring their logo.

About WomenVetsUSA

  • Dedicated to connecting women with active duty, Reserves, and/or Guard military service and their families, caregivers, advocates, and communities to local, state, and federal online resources 24/7 you can find WomenVetsUSA here.
  • Involved with grassroots, community-based vet-to-vet outreach providing printed resources and assisting with connections to close-to-home services.
  • Committed to providing multi-media information to women veterans, service women, service providers, researchers, educators, historians, lawmakers, grant writers, and other interested persons.
  • A veteran-initiated project...all-volunteer and self-funded.