I have applied to be fiduciary for my mother. I called the hub and ask what credit score is acceptable and was told a fair score was by Helen Turner at Louisville Fiduciary. I have a score of 644 with over 200k of liquid assets. Do you think this will be good enough?? I have read the horror stories of non family, as well as family appointed fiduciaries and have great concern. Thanks.
Jim's Reply
You say you applied to be her fiduciary. I'll assume that this was in response to the VA telling her she was being declared incompetent.
You're correct to be concerned. the VA fiduciary program is predatory and the tales you hear are often true. That you're there to protect her is a very good thing.
Calling the hub won't help. The decision will be made after a visit by a field examiner. The decision is based on a number of things, not only that you have good credit and a cash reserve. The investigation will seek out any criminal offenses, including moving violations (tickets) you may have received and so on.
The regs tell us that a family member is preferred. I'd guess you won't have any issues with being appointed as the fiduciary. But if they reject you for any reason, please feel free to get back in touch with us and we can determine whether you should retain a veterans law attorney to appeal.
Keeping an eye on the VA, because somebody has to.
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