Wait for new claims until pending claims processed

I am 50% SC PTSD 10% HTN. I served wih the MNF as a Navy Corpsman in Beirut in 1983, and was a victim of the terrorist bombing there. I have worked as a Respiratory Therapist since 2003 (like my fourth career) I have been terminated from 2 different hospitals during the last 2 years due to poor job performance, and am currently unemployed. My compensation for PTSD was granted circa 14 months ago. I am obviously having more and more problems. I also served in the Persian Gulf on the USNS Comfort during OIF. I currently have a pending claim for Gulf War Syndrome (circa 6 months), I am interested in (1) increasing my percentage of PTSD, and (2) applying for IU. Shoud I wait to have a possibility of getting to 70% as a result of my pending claim, then attempting to get IU, or write a letter requesting a re-evaluation of my level of PTSD compensation now?
Thank you for your time and all that you are doing
I usually suggest that the veteran not interrupt a pending claim by piling on another.
Your claim is marching along in a very long line to reach adjudication. Once in that line, if you interrupt the process it will almost certainly go right back to the start line.
As you believe that your PTSD symptoms are getting worse, I'd urge you to use the next 6 months or so to better document that in your medical records so that when you do file for an increase for the PTSD condition, you enter the scrum with a lot of ammo to use. Some advocates would tell you to file now and set the date for the increase so that you won't lose that extra money. There is a logic to that but I feel better about winning one claim and then winning the next. Piling on during the process may confuse issues and then see you tied up in appeals for years.