How to Get a Home Tax Exemption with 100% TDIU but Less Than 100% Schedular Rating


I have a 70% rating for combat PTSD, but am paid at the 100% rate due unemployability. My benefit sheet states that I am "considered to be totally and permanately disabled due to my service connected disabilities." I have read here that there is no difference between scheduler 100% and IU 100%. I went to a tax assesors office here in NJ to get tax exempt on a house and was told that I do not qualify because I'm not 100%. I tried explaining IU and how and why the VA uses it to compensate veterans, but he still said I don't qualify. I'm wondering if anyone else has had similar issues! Also, I am considering asking for an increase to get to 100% but I'm reluctant to do that because I don't want to lose what I have. Anything can happen.

Any advice would be helpful. Thank you.

Jim's Reply:

Your problem isn't at all unusual. VA issues letters that aren't very clear at best. When veterans go to tax assessors in almost every state they get different stories from different offices. The requirements are similar from state to state; you must have a statement on the agency letterhead. The statement must be clear that your rating is 100% permanently and totally disabled. Anything about underlying ratings and TDIU confuses tax assessors so we avoid that if we can.

The best way to get the document you need is to use your eBenefits account. You can start here and look at the VA Letters section. Once you've signed into your account you'll be able to print the document you need. If you continue to hit a roadblock, you'll have to ask to appeal the local assessors ruling to the next higher office. That's also not at all rare that we have to go to the trouble so be prepared to press your case. You're correct that we usually don't recommend that you file to achieve a 100% schedular rating in place of the TDIU rating you have today. You can open a Pandora's Box full of troubles by doing that. The problem you face today is at the assessors office, not with your rating.


/s/ Jim



Keeping an eye on the VA, because somebody has to.


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