Scam Alert

Hope I dont take to long in asking this but we have a lawyer telling our older vets and spouses that he can get them $1695.00 a month A&A (Aid and Attendance) and they can keep all their SSI and pension monies they have coming in .Jim I have been a service officer for along time and if this is fact I sure missed something as NSCP (Non-Service Connected Pension) is based on household income. I just feel I need to find out more to be able to serve our vets more . Thanks for taking the time to at least put me on the right path.
Also want to thank you for taking over the watchdog site as its rarely a day I dont go there and learn more for our vets.
Thanks for telling me about this.
Any time I hear of someone telling veterans how they can get A & A benefits quick and easy, my "scam alert" detector starts to alarm. As you know, the A & A benefit isn't easy to qualify for and it all begins with a VA pension and that's based on income.
I'd like to know the name of the lawyer who is advertising this and where he or she is located. I'll look into it some more once I have that info.