Internal VBA Systems Access for Claimant and Appellant Representatives


Internal VBA Systems Access for Claimant and Appellant Representatives

The Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA) has developed procedures to allow individuals access to VA information systems online. Online access will only be granted for individuals:
The VA logo, with text reading 'U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs'

The Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA) has developed procedures to allow individuals access to VA information systems online.

Online access will only be granted for individuals:

  1. Accredited by VA's Office of General Counsel (OGC) to represent Veterans as a claims agent, attorney, or employee of a Veterans Service Organization, and
  2. Designated by one or more Veterans to represent him or her in pursuing a claim or appeal for VA benefits.

For more information, continue to the attached VBA Letter "Internal VBA Systems Access for Claimant and Appellant Representatives." 


Updated January 2018