C&P Billing error


My husband just had a C&P exam for Agent Orange related Ischemic Hearrt Disease on October 4th, 2010. We just received a statement from our private insurance, BCBS, that they were billed for the exam under the exam code of "Emergent Medical Exam." The health insurance has never been billed before and he is already 100% P&T for PTSD. Is this a new VA policy? Whom do we contact to determine why the private insurance was billed.


No, this is not a VA policy, it's just another error typical of VA.

I'm seeing more of this sort of wrongful billing lately.

First...advise your private carrier they should not pay that bill.
Then file a complaint with VA OIG. That's simple to do here

I'd appreciate it if you will follow up with me to let me know the outcome as you go along.