I am a Desert Storm vet who was diagnosed with PTSD from the VAMC in San Francisco, California in 1992. It is a good thing that I kept copies from VA SF since they do not have them nor can they locate them.
After the Gulf War, I had lots of nightmares and asked a SGT about it. He told me that it was "war shock" and would go away by drinking beer at night. I was applying for law enforcement agencies and guys in my MP unit told me never to talk about PTSD since I would not be hired.
I did not become a cop but the PTSD did not go away. I went through years of hell and still do. I met a Vietnam Veteran who told me more about PTSD...I filed a claim with the VA and after months and months...I finally heard back from them in regards to them wanting stressor information as well as the VCAA .
Then all of a sudden I receive a call about a C&P and a letter in the mail with all of the information regarding the appointment.
I have a C&P scheduled for 15-Dec-2010 in Oahu. My LCSW at the VA told me that the Doc who will be conducting my C&P has a habit of doing 20 minute C&P's.
Have you ever heard of a 20 minute C&P? I thought that a C&P takes a minimum 2 hours. Also, my LCSW told me that it would be in my interest to go a bit into detail in regards to the questions asked without any fanciful tales and/or embellishment<----- which are things that I would not do.
Was curious as to your take in regards to a 20 minute C&P.
No matter about that C & P. Don't sweat it. The system works like this...
You file a claim. The claim then goes through steps to be decided. The first C & P exam is just a small step.
Quite often the C & P examiner does a poor job. That means the claim will be denied. That's actually good news. I love a claim denied that way because then you can appeal. The appeal point is that you had an "inadequate exam". It's my favorite appeal point.
Once you appeal, you get another C & P exam. This time they will schedule it with someone who will do a much better job of it all. Then the appeal and the new exam will go to a more senior person for review.
Most claims are won in the appeal.
Do not ever embellish or fake anything for C & P or any part of a claim. I have guys who ask me if they should get crutches or ride in a wheelchair and I tell them no. The worst C & P examiner can sniff a faker a mile away.
Just go in and don't do anything other than to be yourself. Be truthful, speak your mind.
Remember...most claims are denied. That is normal and routine so when it happens, don't let it upset you. Please head to the sites I post at (including this one) and read up. You'll get some knowledge about what all to expect and you'll feel better about all this.