I am a 30 percent service connected former Marine. 20 percent Chondromalacia knees, 10 for Spinal Condition. Is it possible to be deemed unemployable by my VA Doctor if my disabilities have impacted my job (mailman) to the point where I can't perform them anymore? Thx again for all your help!
Probably not. To be eligible to apply for unemployability requires (in most cases) that you have a 70% rating overall with at least one 40% rating or a single rating of at least 60%.
Read up here http://www.jimstrickland912.com/
It’s worth noting that your doctor doesn’t make disability rating decisions. The doctor can make notes about your condition but the final decision is made by a rater in the VA regional Office.
Your best bet is to start now to have the existing ratings increased. You'll find instructions about how to do that in my A to Z Guide.
That may take a while but it's a much more sure way of reaching 100% than any other. Slow but steady wins the day.