How to file for benefits


I don't know how to start this, but I love you man.

Thanks to you and Larry along with the other Mentors of your chat-room I have succeeded with the appeals team at my regional office. My appeals were on claims entered in 2008. I just recieved notice of grants of IU and Housebound. I didn't ask for housebound but the Appeals team granted that along with the IU which was shown as P&T.

Jim, you won't believe this but I followed the A-Z guide and wrote my own nexus which my VA resident Pych signed for me. I submitted it via registered mail and it was delivered to VA regional office on the 22nd of Oct. I recieved my appeal award on the 2nd of Nov. granting everthing I wanted and deserved plus the housebound. They listed the nexus as evidense.

That all happened in a matter of two weeks. I have never heard of anyone getting this quick of a response to an appeal. I sent the regional office a very nice thank-you note. Again, none of this would have occured had I not stumbled across VA Watch dog and your columns. The A-Z Guide should be given a Pulitzer Prize. Thanks again and the service you give to Veterans. It is a wonderful donation that honors you tremendously.


I don’t receive many billets-doux from veterans but I’ll take good news any way it comes to me. I appreciate your kind words and I’m glad you shared your success with me.

Your letter underlines what I so often try to teach others, that the veteran who carefully handles his or her own claim will often do very well. The VA is happy to deal directly with any veteran, representation by others is not required in any way.

In your case you did it all correctly using registered mail, writing your nexus letter for signature by your physician and so on. VA responded correctly by carefully reviewing your file and apparently noted that you have a 100% rating as well as a separate 60% rating and they awarded you the “housebound” benefit, just as they should.

Paying careful attention to the details and playing strictly by the VA rule book will usually produce a fair award of your earned benefits. Doing the process for yourself is often the most reliable way to accomplish your goal. After all, nobody cares about your claim as much as you do.