Missed a Compensation & Pension Exam?

Hello Jim,

In October My Life Changed. I was receiving 100% disability for PTSD I Was in Iraq 04-05 (90% Company's combat) For the last five years. I received a letter in October from the VA stating they were going to reduce my 100% -0% due to missing my exam. I contacted American Legion (MY Rep) and they got me a new exam. I went to the Exam and felt it went very good. I'm in Vet Court due to Drug & Legal problems, I also have a good track record with Meds and Appt. I filed for an exempt on rating my claim due to the fact of being homeless. When Will I receive A rating?? And is there anything else I can do to get results?? I read where you said calling 1800-827 number is inadequate I couldn't agree more. My Life is in shambles now due to this issue.




This happens a lot. Missing a C & P exam always results in a reduction of benefits...it's the law. Once you have that fixed by getting another C & P exam, it shouldn't take VA long to fix the record and get things back on track.

How long? We can't ever predict. VA continues to be months behind in everything it does.

