How important is the last employment to the VA when applying for IU disability?


How important is the last employment to the VA when applying for IU disability? What is ask of veteran?


Tough question. In one way it's very important. Why did you leave the job is the question.

Did you retire with a gold watch after 30 years and now you want a benefit? Or did you leave involuntarily because you couldn't do the tasks required because of your service connected disability?

In another way it really isn't important at all. Most employers won't talk to VA or report anything at all about your history. VA can't require anything of an employer...they can ask but most employers don't reply. They're afraid of being sued. Employers today don't provide references or anything other than an employment verification...a statement saying that you did once work there.

I've found that the single most important part of a TDIU application is evidence that you've looked for a job but because of your disability nobody will hire you. If you can show where you've applied and been denied employment, that can be convincing.