Greetings Jim,
I recently had my c&p exam for secondary condition of arthritis to both shoulders. I'm sc for right shoulder dislocation and arthritis. I appeal for higher rating of pain do to arthritis, because I'm experience the same in my left shoulder. I'm receiving 40% right and 20% for the left. And my left is giving me as mush pain and experience dislocations as the same with my right. I begin using my left more, because of the pain of my right. I have MRI and X-rays to show the server arthritis. Do u feel from experience they will equally award both shoulders the same, since I do have the medical too prove or is this claim at the highest rating? I'm going for TDIU, because I lost my job for these sc injuries.
I can't predict what VA will do. While I can tell you what they should do...rate the shoulders equally...there's no way to tell what will actually happen. No matter how clear a claim appears to be to us, the rater at your VARO will put his/her spin on it.
Your best bet is to wait for a decision and if you aren't happy, appeal with the help of a lawyer. Most initial claims are denied. Most appeals are awarded. That's a sad testimony to just how poorly claims are processed by the folks at your VARO.