Nehmer class claims


I came across your site purely by accident and glad I did. I have learned more here in a week than I did in years of reading from all the V.A. sites. Thank you for all you do. My question is: I am a retired Viet Nam era combat vet. I am current rated at 70% for PTSD, DM11,Hearing Loss and tinnunaus. I had my claim for IHD and PD denied in 2008. I sent in my NOD and contacted Rep for Vets to help me with an appeal I also filed under Fast Track. The fast track claims were sent to traditional claims processing for some reason. I have a pace maker and defibulator with MET of 3 and an EF of 34%. I received a letter from V.A on the 28th of Feb. this year saying I qualified under the Nehmer Rule. Do you think that my appeal will negate the Nehmer?

I have followed your advice and have not contacted them at all. Rep for Vets says it could be settled any time now. I am not bitching or complaining and know that it is time consuming.


The possibility that your claim is in the Nehmer class means that it will receive a very thorough review and that no other claims that may be in process will interfere with that review.

The Nehmer class claims reviews are taking longer than was first anticipated. Read more about Nehmer class claims here