Looking for a pulmonary specialist


I am looking for a pulmonary specialist that will give a Nexus Letter based on my recent PFT's and hard copy of HRCT Scan. Also have complete medical records for review...can you recommend a Dr.? or point me in the right direction, I have used a doctor I found on the Internet, but the VA Dr.s have discredited him, so I need another Dr. that would give me a nexus letter based on my pulmonary scans and tests as well as x-rays etc. as I am seeking service conection for asbestosis. thanking you in advance for any information you might have.


Locating a qualified physician who is credible and specializes in the Independent Medical Exam or records review and nexus letter is a challenge. I explain how all this works and I recommend a physician on my web site athttps://www.vawatchdog.org/imo-ime-medical-opinions-exams.html