Filing a claim - take charge and do it yourself

I'm a 63 year old Viet Nam Vet. I have had a hard time finding anyone that can explain some benefits that I might be due. In late 2003 I applied for medicaj benefits with the VA. That all worked pretty well.. at some point around the last of 2004 or early 2005 I questioned some benefits of being exposed to agent orange.

I do have type 2 diabetes and hypertension. I was just kind of brushed off and ignored.. Well today I filed my 21-526 making claim on my type 2 diabetes and hypertension. Well I was a boots on the ground Navy Support Activity in DaNang form 8/1968 to 12/1969. So my claim to agent orange seems to be sound and valid. I'm trying to find out who I need to talk with about a possible claim for PTDS.
I talked with someone at the VA on 1/4/11 and they took some info from me and I was told I would be sent the form that I needed to file for PTDS. Well today is 1/17/11 and I haven't received that form yet. I have some very vivid memories of happenings for the 16 months i was in Nam. I firmly believe that my attitude and my 2 failed marriages was a direct connection to PTDS.. I have had some theraphy and counseling over the years from time to time and part of it was trying to save my marriages.. My problem is that I have no proof of the dates and who I saw.. My x wife destroyed and burned any records that I had some 10 years ago. I have strong flash backs and sometimes bad dreams about my time there. We had to take supply boats up on the river at the DMZ to the marines stationed there and we had some close calls. Our barracks was right along side the air base in DaNang and we had night after night of rocket attacks which scared me .. That is what a lot of dreams are about. I had a high school friend that was in the army and we were to take rr together and he was killed the week before we was to leave..
That has never left my mind.. and some of the dead bodies that i saw that tried to attack the fuel farm in DaNang.. Not to take anymore of your time is there any suggestions as to what I can do to file my PTDS forms??... I feel like I'm at a stand still and I have always been made to feel that Nam vets are trash.. Hope you can point me in the right direction.. and thank you much for your time.
The system can be confusing. Once you get the hang of it though, it gets pretty easy to navigate.
The first rule is that you never need to talk with anyone about your benefits. If you have any thoughts that you may have a condition that is service connected for any reason, you should proceed to apply for that benefit. This is referred to as "filing a claim".
To file a claim you must do it on paper. There are plenty of "service officers" from various Veterans Service Organizations who will assist you but all they do is take your information and put it on paper and send it to VA.
You can do that for's not hard or complex.
You have a good head start. Once you have filed your VA form 21-526 you never have to complete another. There is no form that is required to file for PTSD. You could have included that on the 526 along with your claim for DMII and hypertension.
However, to get the ball rolling now all you must do is write the VA Regional Office near you a very short letter and make the statement, "I want to file a claim for PTSD." It's that easy. Obviously, you'll include your SSN, your address, phone and so on. I teach veterans that this is the only acceptable method of communicating with VA. You should take the time to send your letter via Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested. That will cost you a few bucks but it ensures that your letter isn't going to be lost.
You've already learned why I recommend this. You talked with some people in 2004-2005 about benefits and nothing happened. On 1/4/11 you were told that you would get a form and nothing happened. This is all typical and will continue unless and until you take charge and do it yourself.
On my web site at and on the Stateside Legal site at you will find a wealth of information about how to manage your claims yourself. I urge you to take time to learn all you can.
Now is the time to get organized. Keep copies of everything. Study benefits that are available to you and don't ever listen to what you may hear in waiting rooms at the clinics or hospitals. There are thousands of "experts" who will tell you all sorts of things about the VA disability claims process...most will be rumor.
Nobody cares about your claim as much as you do.
I'd also like for you to make contact with a Vet Center near you. Please have a look at my VAWatchdogToday web site and look over to the right of the front page. Scroll down. You'll find a link to a YouTube video that will tell you about Vet Centers. There will also be a link that takes you to a map so you can find the one closest to you.
Vet Centers are designed for guys just like you. You will meet a great many others who are having the same problems you are. Most of the people who run Vet Centers are combat veterans. They offer counseling and friendship in a laid back atmosphere that is conducive to healing. Vet Centers are a part of the VA system but separated enough that you won't find all the usual bureaucracy associated with VA.
Please get back with me and tell me when you make contact with your Vet Center. I'd like to hear from you that you found it and I want to know what you think about it. I have many friends who use our local Vet Center and every one of them would endorse it.
I'll be here to answer questions that may come up.