Who makes disability rating?


I have a VA benefit question for you. Two years ago in Oct I was given a combined rating of 70%. I appealed it that same month. I did not hear a thing until this Oct when they wanted me to come in for more medical test concerning the appeal. One of the Doctors I saw that day. who was examining me for PTSD told me he was going to tell them that I could not work and was eligible for 100% rating on that alone wich was one of the ones that I was appealing they had given me 30% the first time. My quetion is this. Whats next? What kind of time am I looking at (another 2 years?) Do they have to go by that Doctors recommendation? any other comments would be greatly appectiated .


This is a very complex question that you pose. I'm going to ask that you spend some time at my web site https://www.vawatchdog.org/c---p-exams.html and read through a few of the many articles I have there that will explain the process in much more detail for you. You'll be glad that you did.

Briefly...the C & P doctor's recommendation is only that. The decision is made by a "rater" at the VA Regional Office. Depending on many variables, your current compensation may be increased or decreased at this point. Asking for an increase in a standing benefit carries hazards.

It's impossible to predict how long it may take. I don't know if your appeal was directed to the DRO process or if you were seeking reconsideration. How you phrased the appeal of the rating will influence how long the decision process will take this time.

I generally tell veterans that if they aren't happy with a rating that they may appeal it but first there are a number of steps one should take to ensure that a higher rating will be awarded. You must also be
prepared to accept the risk that VA will examine your file to look for any way they can to lower your rating.

Now that you've filed and the process is in action, I advise that you do nothing more but to wait and see what happens. Please do use my site as a resource to learn more about your benefits.